Cagliari, preso il difensore centrale Antoni Tymoteusz Franke classe 2006 dal Ruch Chorzow

Cagliari, preso il difensore centrale Antoni Tymoteusz Franke classe 2006 dal Ruch Chorzow. Il Cagliari si muove sul mercato di oggi per il futuro, a segno il classe 2006 Antoni Tymoteusz Franke. Come scrive tuttomercatoweb, il Cagliari ha messo a segno il colpo del classe 2006 Antoni Tymoteusz Franke, il difensore centrale che arriva dal Ruch Chorzow ed è un investimento per il futuro.

Ecco quanto scrive TMW:


La notizia riportata su altri giornali

The anemic outcome highlighted what appears to be the limited influence the Biden administration has over Israel’s new government, which is dominated by hard-line nationalists who oppose concessions toward the Palestinians. (LaPresse)

Nel 1949, due mesi dopo il suo arrivo a New York, l’artista acquista la sua prima cinepresa Bolex. Chi è Jonas Mekas. (Periodico Daily)

It was the fourth school in Mexico to suffer such incidents in the last year. There was no immediate information on the condition of the students, believed to be fifth and sixth graders, or where they got the tranquilizers. (LaPresse)

Allegations that politicians and journalists have been targeted in legally-sanctioned wiretaps, as well as with spyware from unknown origins, have triggered judicial investigations and rattled Greece’s politics before an election due before the summer. (LaPresse)

The joint announcement, made by Australian Defense Minister Richard Marles and French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu, also appeared aimed at sending a signal that the two countries have overcome a damaging dispute over submarines. (LaPresse)

The yearslong modernization of the Hudson project started in 2013 but stalled as Trump battled with Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer over funding for the project The Democratic president’s trip to New York City on Tuesday came on the heels of his stop Monday in Baltimore to highlight the replacement of an aging rail tunnel there, where he pledged that government spending on infrastructure will boost economic growth and create blue-collar jobs. (LaPresse)