Market. Belardinelli back to South Tyrol? . Fazzini contested. Napoli ahead
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The week that has just begun could be the decisive one for the first operations in this winter transfer window at Empoli. The most important one is the sale of Fazzini, which should enrich the coffers of Monteboro by around 15 million euros. This is at least the figure that Empoli has in mind, who have reportedly found a basic agreement with Napoli, willing to get close to that figure including bonuses. (Quotidiano Sportivo)
La notizia riportata su altri giornali
Jacopo Fazzini continua a essere conteso tra Napoli e Lazio; il centrocampista dell’Empoli ha trovato l’accordo con i biancocelesti, ma il club toscano spinge per mandarlo a Napoli, dato che ne monetizzerebbe in tempi molto più brevi. (IlNapolista)