la Fed alza i tassi di interesse di 25 pb!

La Fed ha alzato i tassi di interesse di 25 pb, in linea con le aspettative del mercato. Il tasso del fondo della Federal Reserve è ora al livello del 5%. La Fed manterrà il suo QT. Secondo la Fed, la creazione di posti di lavoro nell'economia statunitense è accelerata. La Fed indica che potrebbero essere opportuni ulteriori aumenti Fed ulteriormente attenta ai rischi di inflazione Le proiezioni indicano un ulteriore aumento quest'anno e un taglio di 75 punti base l'anno prossimo Il dollaro si ritira, gli indici sono in rialzo dopo la decisione US500 è salito dopo l'aumento dei tassi. (XTB)

La notizia riportata su altri media

European Union leaders endorsed a plan Thursday for sending Ukraine 1 million rounds of artillery ammunition within the next 12 months to help the country counter Russia’s invasion forces. (LaPresse)

“Now that the constitution must be changed, I can only encourage you to do so North Macedonia has promised neighboring Bulgaria, an EU member since 2007, to add a reference in its constitution to the existence of an ethnic Bulgarian minority. (LaPresse)

He had said his return to the national team was in doubt after the World Cup, but eventually decided it was not time “to throw in the towel. He had tied Kuwait’s Bader Al-Mutawa with 196 caps after coming off the bench in Portugal’s loss to Morocco in the quarterfinals of the World Cup last year. (LaPresse)

He asked the Democratic-controlled state Legislature to pass a new tax on oil company profits, arguing it would protect consumers by preventing price spikes A first-in-the-nation bill to punish oil companies for profiting from price spikes at the pump breezed through the California Senate on Thursday at the urging of Democratic Gov. (LaPresse)

Two important areas of agreement appear in hand: Canada will escalate its timeline for military upgrades to the North American Aerospace Defense Command and the two nations will reach an agreement on migration, a senior Canadian official told The Associated Press. (LaPresse)

Unions have called for nationwide protests on Thursday that are likely to further raise tensions.   (LaPresse)