La morte di Tyre Nichols apre un nuovo capitolo nel dibattito su polizia e razzismo

Tyre Nichols era un uomo di 29 anni di Memphis, in Tennessee, che la sera del 7 gennaio è stato fermato per un controllo da alcuni poliziotti dopo avere commesso una violazione del codice stradale. Tyre Nichols è morto tre giorni dopo, in ospedale, per le conseguenze di un pestaggio subito proprio quella sera. A picchiarlo a morte, hanno confermato i video registrati dalle telecamere stradali e dalle bodycam indossate dagli agenti, sono stati i cinque poliziotti che lo avevano fermato. (

Se ne è parlato anche su altre testate

Neighbors in San Francisco, Pelosi and Feinstein are personally close and have worked together for decades in Washington, suggesting her decision to back Schiff early in the campaign also carried with it a tacit nod from the senator Feinstein has said she will make a decision about her future in the next couple of months. (LaPresse)

“Sex offenders like Paul Gadd are closely monitored by the police and Probation Service and face some of the strictest license conditions, including being fitted with a GPS tag,’’ the Ministry of Justice said in a statement. (LaPresse)

Still, his arrival has left GOP leadership frequently anwering questions about the congressman rather than on their priorities for the coming months Santos was assigned to two fairly low-profile panels, the House Committee on Small Business and to the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee. (LaPresse)

Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris announced a judge-led independent probe of the 1998 car bombing in the town of Omagh that killed 29 people, including a woman pregnant with twins, and wounded hundreds more. (LaPresse)

Tesla CEO Elon Musk met with top aides to President Joe Biden last week to discuss the EV industry and the broader goals of ... (LaPresse)

The finding is contained in a Commerce Department report released by the administration on Wednesday as President Joe Biden convened his competition council for an update on efforts to promote competition and lower prices, according to AP. (LaPresse)