Turkey’s opposition vows more democracy if it wins election

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“We will shift to a Strengthened Parliamentary System for a strong, liberal, democratic and just system in which the separation of powers is established,” said Faik Oztrak, a deputy head of the main opposition Republican People’s Party, or CHP.

He added that the plan foresees a greater separation of powers including an increased role for parliament and an independent judiciary

In a ceremony in Ankara, the six parties presented their joint 240-page program for the country’s post-election future, but did not name a joint candidate to run against Erdogan. (LaPresse)

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The ceremony proceeded without incident, but a week later thousands of Bolsonaro’s die-hard supporters stormed the capital and trashed the top government buildings demanding that Lula’s election be overturned Contacted by The Associated Press, the lawyer’s firm, AG Immigration, confirmed the report. (LaPresse)

At a signing ceremony on Sunday, Mohsen Karami, the deputy central bank governor, said banks in the two countries had connected their messaging networks following agreements reached over the past year, according to the state-run IRNA news agency. (LaPresse)

  (Cronache Agenzia Giornalistica)

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Kenyan runner Georgina Rono, who was third at the Boston Marathon in 2012, was banned for four years on Tuesday for evading a doping test, AP reports. The extensive problems raised fears of an all-out ban for the Kenyan athletics federation late last year but the governing body of track stopped short of that strict sanction after the Kenyan government gave guarantees to devote more funding to its anti-doping effort (LaPresse)

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