La Fed alza i tassi di interesse dello 0,25%

La Fed alza i tassi di interesse dello 0,25%. Il costo del denaro sale così in una forchetta fra il 4,75% e il 5%. Con la mini-stretta la banca centrale americana conferma la sua determinazione nella lotta all'inflazione. Alcuni ulteriori rialzi dei tassi di interesse potrebbero essere appropriati, aggiunge la Fed al termine della due giorni di riunione. . (La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno)

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North Macedonia has promised neighboring Bulgaria, an EU member since 2007, to add a reference in its constitution to the existence of an ethnic Bulgarian minority. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock urged North Macedonia’s leaders Thursday to deliver on a pledge to amend the constitution to speed up the country's path toward European Union membership. (LaPresse)

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EU foreign and defense ministers approved the plan for a fast-track purchasing procedure earlier this week, and the leaders of the bloc’s 27 member nations gave it their political blessing at a summit in Brussels Thursday. (LaPresse)

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He asked the Democratic-controlled state Legislature to pass a new tax on oil company profits, arguing it would protect consumers by preventing price spikes Newsom, a Democrat, reacted by attacking the oil industry, specifically the five companies that provide 97% of gasoline in the state. (LaPresse)