La Fed alza ancora i tassi: +0,25%

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Gazzetta di Parma ECONOMIA

La Fed alza i tassi di interesse dello 0,25%. Il costo del denaro sale così in una forchetta fra il 4,75% e il 5%. Con la mini-stretta la banca centrale americana conferma la sua determinazione nella lotta all’inflazione. (Gazzetta di Parma)

Su altre fonti

He asked the Democratic-controlled state Legislature to pass a new tax on oil company profits, arguing it would protect consumers by preventing price spikes A first-in-the-nation bill to punish oil companies for profiting from price spikes at the pump breezed through the California Senate on Thursday at the urging of Democratic Gov. (LaPresse)

Unions have called for nationwide protests on Thursday that are likely to further raise tensions. After his interview broadcast on national television, critics attacked Macron, describing him as “self-satisfied,” “out of touch” and “offensive. (LaPresse)

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock urged North Macedonia’s leaders Thursday to deliver on a pledge to amend the constitution to speed up the country's path toward European Union membership. North Macedonia has promised neighboring Bulgaria, an EU member since 2007, to add a reference in its constitution to the existence of an ethnic Bulgarian minority. (LaPresse)

adults say they have high confidence in the nation’s banks and other financial institutions, a new poll finds. The underwhelming assessment of America’s banks and bank regulation comes after a series of shocks brought back disturbing memories of the 2008-2009 financial crisis. (LaPresse)

European Union leaders endorsed a plan Thursday for sending Ukraine 1 million rounds of artillery ammunition within the next 12 months to help the country counter Russia’s invasion forces. (LaPresse)

Ronaldo was benched in the knockout rounds in Qatar and left the field in tears after the defeat to Morocco. He had tied Kuwait’s Bader Al-Mutawa with 196 caps after coming off the bench in Portugal’s loss to Morocco in the quarterfinals of the World Cup last year. (LaPresse)