Veronamarathon Eventi team meet the Onlus ABBRACCIO Foundation of Milan, on Friday, 13th April

Veronamarathon Events will wait for you at its stand at the Expo Area of the Marathon of Milan on Friday April, 13th and of Saturday 14th but, first, we wait for you at Palazzo della Regione on Friday, April 13th at 5 p.m. to meet ABBRACCIO Foundation.
Verona, ( - comunicati stampa - sport) Sport and charity are strictly connected and both give great opportunity for charity’s causes.
On Friday, April 13th in Milan Veronamarathon Eventi will meet the Onlus ABBRACCIO Foundation during a press conference that will take place at Palazzo della Regione Lombardia at the presence of Simona La Salandra, vice president of the Foundation, of Davide Mancini and Luisa Amisano.
Luisa Amisano won the “GrandPrix” of Veronamarathon Events so that she could go to the Marathon of Vienna on April, 15th totally free, including travel, bib and hotel accommodation. Since she wanted to participate to the Marathon of Milan which takes place at the same time, she decided to make a bid for charity on behalf of ABBRACCIO Foundation to which she’s very fond. Davide Mancini has been the best bidder and he got the “Grand Prix” price. He will turn the sum of it to ABBRACCIO Foundation and then he will run the Marathon of Vienna wearing the shirt of ABBRACCIO to let it know also abroad.
“Davide will run for us – said Simona La Salandra – and he will let the Foundation be known to several other people which can approach our daily engagement in helping families to face infant disabilities. We work in Arluno, close to Milan, and we host children and adolescents with different problems of psychological and physical disability. Many thanks to Laura and Davide and above all to Veronamarathon Events for this great opportunity towards our Foundation”.

Veronamarathon Events will wait for you at its stand at the Expo Area of the Marathon of Milan on Friday April, 13th and of Saturday 14th but, first, we wait for you at Palazzo della Regione on Friday, April 13th at 5 p.m. to meet ABBRACCIO Foundation.
Per maggiori informazioni
Maria Cristina Caccia
Ufficio Stampa
Via Mameli, 13
37126 Verona Italia
[email protected]
045 8301162
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