Comunicati Stampa
Arte e Cultura

Roberto Piaia in Pietrasanta "A City of Art and Artists"

Roberto Piaia, painter and sculptor born in the Veneto, has decided to open a new studio in Pietrasanta, a town located in the heart of Versilia in Tuscany, known as the "city of art and artists” a reputation attributed to it since the days when it was a favorite home of Michelangelo right up to the present day. Within its walls, steeped in history and culture, important international contemporary artists carry out their work.
Pietrasanta (LU), ( - comunicati stampa - arte e cultura) The artistic universe created by Piaia in painting, is an original fusion of languages and currents, where a vortex of shapes in which abstraction, classical figuration and surrealism converge smoothly. This style, which Piaia baptized ‘ Assurfivo’, expresses the varied aspects of his art, in which, on one big visual stage young women unfold, silent still lifes with flowers and hyperrealistic crystals, pictures taken from sacred art, complex allegories illustrating the Divine Comedy or the Seven Deadly Sins, portraits ... everything always characterized by the lapping of lights and colors: green, yellow, red and blue, representing the decomposition of the light spectrum.
Piaia’s search that over the years has taken him in many fascinating directions, drove him to translate values in terms of painting and sculpture through the intuition of a globalizing vision of ‘ being’ and the universe. This led him to the creation of his artistic ideology uniting the classic with the dynamic, defined by the term Cladico.
Built using statuary marble or cast in bronze, these works, which keep his inspirational subject: the woman. She symbolizes harmony and mystery, the works are created with faces, hands and feet demonstrating Piaia’s classical executive ability. The body of the statue, while maintaining the structure of its volume, consists of a double helix which turns around itself creating a spiral, thus giving us a visual impression of movement and lightness.
This is very difficult and innovative work, attempted by many but never achieved, characterized by a precise study of solids and voids, worked in perfect balance of substance, fundamental to support the model.
After many studies, sketches, drawings and oil paintings on canvas with the bodies outlined in spirals (one of these oils: Daria in Cladico, was presented at the Venice Biennale pad. Italy in 2011 where it received very favorable opinions). The artist with this work, tries to overcome the original concept of dualism between body and soul through an interpretation of reality that combines mystery and matter to its essence. It is no coincidence that the spiral shape, a symbol of life and energy, reminiscent of DNA and a symbol of our ancestral being, outlines the connection with the universe and with life itself. This concept is captured in full by the refined artistic sensibility of Roberto Piaia.
This same shape of spires, frees the sculpture from any material constrictions. It is, in fact light. Free from human limits and heaviness able to hover in the sky and reach
the vital energy of eternity, of which it is itself an ancestral symbol.
Only great compositional experience and deep knowledge of the subject have allowed Roberto Piaia, after years of intense research and study, to create such a dynamic and innovative sculpture, characterized by the winding of figures, able to express their inner and own essence.

Roberto Piaia a Pietrasanta
“The city of art and artists”
Opening 19th July 2013 from 19.00 to 23.30
From March to October
Summer opening hours: 18.00 – 23.30
Spring and Autumn:
Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 to 12:00 / 17:00 to 20:00

Via Del Teatro, 76
Pietrasanta (LU)

Via Sernaglia,
Pieve di Soligo (TV)

Mob: (+39) 339 20 64 275
Tel/Fax: (+39) 0584 710 20
Per maggiori informazioni
Carmen De Guarda
Studio d'Arte Roberto Piaia
Via del Teatro, 76
55045 (Lucca) Italia
(+39) 339 2064275
Ufficio Stampa
Carmen De Guarda
 Ufficio Stampa (Leggi tutti i comunicati)
corte della seta 8
31020 Sernaglia Italia