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Fiere ed Eventi

Flue and ventilation system: Stabile and M&G together at the MCE 2018

New solutions to improve the contemporary and future living comfort
Milano, ( - comunicati stampa - fiere ed eventi) Stabile and M&G, leading brands in the flue and ventilation system field and members of the M&G Group, strengthen their synergistic collaboration by participating together in the next MCE edition – Mostra Convegno Expocomfort, the great Fair dedicated to heating, air conditioning and renewable energies that will take place in Milan from 13 to 16 March 2018.

During the four days of the event, Stabile and M&G will present the most innovative flue system solutions, with a special focus on the HYBALANS+ air distribution system.

All in the name of energy saving, optimization of resources and technological evolution, three cornerstones of contemporary and future living comfort.

Fiera Milano
Pavilion: 5
Stand: M01 N02
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 Stabile SpA (Leggi tutti i comunicati)
(Milano) Italia