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NASCAR Whelen EuroSeries at American Speed Fest at Brands Hatch: Naska always on the podium, but not the fastest

Alberto Naska doesn't let down , second and third: but Tziortzis closes with two wins. Challenging weekend for Heroes Valley, mitigated by numerous public participation
Brands Hatch, ( - comunicati stampa - sport)

In qualifying Naska is perfect to go pole position; the starting grid Alberto, Doubek, Tziortzis and Jouffreau looks really competitive. 17.50 CEST the start is almost a group: all the cars are very close together, it seems that Tziortzis pushes Alberto, who is closed between the Cypriot and Doubek.

The drivers leading the race are fierce: Linster, fifth, passes Jouffreau and Tziortzis overtakes Doubek.

Schneider ends up in the grass and the Safety car Safety Car came onto the circuit on the sixth lap: freezing of positions Alberto, Tziortzis, Doubek and Linster. Two by two formation, the SF comes out on the tenth lap: restarts the race!

Naska keeps the lead of the race, but Tziortzis immediately becomes aggressive and takes the first place on the eleventh lap.

Tziortzis, once first, pushes to create an adequate gap from the chasers: on the seventeenth lap he has more than two seconds from Alberto. Linster passes Doubek and keeps Naska's pace: Linster and Doubek were close and aggressive on Alberto, but he holds the position.

This close battle benefits Tziortzis who increases his lead. Then taking advantage of the duel between Alberto and Linster, Doubek manages to pass the latter taking third position and Naska pulls away.

An accident on the twenty-sixth lap between Toffel and Bleekemolen brought the Safety Car back on the track, which came out on the twenty-ninth lap with the concession of two additional laps in overtime.

The restart proposes the close fight of the first five: Tziortzis leads, then Naska followed by Doubek and Linster, but Jouffreau arrives too. Unfortunately, another accident on thirty-seconds lap sanctioned the end of the race under the Safety Car: the podium is Tziortzis, Naska and Doubek. Heroes Valley and CAAL Racing team and also the public would have continued to hold their breath to see the imaginable show of those two overtime laps, too bad!


Sunday 18 June at 17.45 CEST, Round 4 EuroNASCAR 2: it's raining! Alberto had a test in the wet and knows that rainy conditions make everything more difficult and unexpected.

The starting grid mirrors the best times of Saturday's race: Tziortzis, Jouffreau, Doubek and Naska. The cars get ready in starting formation and off: Jouffreau passes Tziortzis, while Naska finds himself side by side Doubek, with Linster ready to attack him. Alberto holds his position and De Groot takes advantage, slipping between him and Linster.  The fight allows Jouffreau to take a bit of distance, but soon all the chasers drivers will focus on reducing the gap. Alberto, followed by De Groot, recovers tenths of a second and also Tziortzis arrives behind Jouffreau: we are on the fourteenth lap and the rain gives a break. Tziortzis arrives in Jouffreau's slipstream, overtaking him on lap eighteen, but the Frenchman takes back his position and the Cypriot once again unseats him from the lead: the duel is on. Meanwhile Naska, despite the pressure from De Groot and Linster, passes Doubek and begins to close the gap with the first two. Alberto is coming back.  On the twenty-fourth lap Tziortzis takes the lead and begins to increase his gap: Jouffreau now has to deal with Naska who is approaching. Tziortzis leads alone, while the battle for second place becomes exciting, especially since it's the last laps of the race.  In the push and pull Alberto – Jouffreau has the upper hand the second who crosses the finish line with just over 4 tenths of a second ahead of Naska: therefore, the podium sees Tziortzis first, Jouffreau second and Naska third.

Two races full of emotions: all to celebrate with Heroes Valley the Naska’s podiums, Ercoli's double first places in the NASCAR Whelen EuroSeries PRO and the first place in the team standings of the CAAL Racing Team!

See you at the Vallelunga Autodromo on 8 and 9 July: “Daje Alberto!!

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Viviana Piozzi
Via Santa Croce 4
20122 Mialno