Tatiana and Natalia Tarasova: from avant-garde artists to international designers of jewelry with paper

Sisters and collaborators from Saint Petersburg are making themselves known all over the world
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Milano, (informazione.it - comunicati stampa - arte e cultura)

Milan, 19.10.2021 - The works of Tatiana and Natalia Tarasova - Russian artists specialized in jewelry design – thanks to their participation in Milan Jewelry Week arrive online on OVERJEWELS.com.
The two sisters, both born in Saint Petersburg, where they live and work, grew up influenced by two strong stimuli: the activity of their father, founder of the goldsmith company «Nevsky-T», who has always pushed their daughters to creativity, and the Saint Petersburg’s artistic environment of the nineties, post-revolutionary and eager for inspirations and novelty.

The interest in avant-garde art has always been strong in their work. In the rhythmic proportions of the form you can find pop interpretations combined with kinetic art, but also an archaic component, almost tribal inspiration. In the sophisticated elegance, in the attention to detail and in the technical workmanship of the materials, the authentic education to the precious is very 
strong. Born from different inspirations, ranging from the colors of the circus to tribal patterns of African tribes, their creations are configured as immediately recognizable and distinguishable.

Among the favourite materials of the sisters there is paper, processed according to original techniques and with great skills, to obtain always new and original effects. The earrings "Without reverse" for example, in silver and paper, with a play of yellow and black colors, want to show that there is no rigid opposite but that everything is interconnected and complementary. The tribal 
component emerges then in the series "Shaman’s visions", after a careful analysis of the ancient cultures of the Fulani African tribe. The interpretations of the tambourine, one of the principal instruments of the shaman, are the common thread of these works.

"For form, plasticiti" is a ring that talks about important things that are however so easy to lose that they often blend into the vortex of life. The jewel, according to Tatiana’s words "reminds us that in the hustle and bustle we pass by the pain of someone else, the good that has been done to us, the forgotten dreams, and we move on. Stopping in time and realizing the importance of a moment is fundamental, otherwise vanity becomes habit and we stop seeing the beauty of the world that surrounds us" The work is configured as a vortex, in which the precious grain of amber seems to be sucked.

A vortex of colors is then found in Rainbow Object, a jewel that combines personal reflections with a mix of colors and a refined technical virtuosity in the processing of materials.
For Artistar Jewels they proposed two different jewels. The Volcano ring, inspired by the cathartic moment of the eruption in which the fluid red lava overlaps the black earth, and the Flamenco bracelet, born from the inspiration of what is not simply a dance, "but a story full of passion".

The first works of the Tarasova sisters are made by silver, enamels, natural or artificial stones, wood, but the desire to try new technologies and materials has given impetus to the creation of a cycle of experimental works of paper. To create each jewel, which is always entirely handmade, the sheets of paper are compressed into blocks, taking into account the shape you want to achieve 
and the color you want to obtain, then metal components are assembled.

You can find the works of the Tarasova sisters in the collections of the Hermitage, at the Museum of Modern Art in Pfoertzheim (Germany) and in numerous private collections. They won many international competitions in the art of designer jewellery, including the International Jewellery Design Excellence Award (IJDEA).

The creations of Tatiana and Natalia are included in the book of Artistar Jewels 2021/22 and will be exhibited during the Milano Jewelry Week from 20 to 23 October 2022.

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