So Dance

Gianfranco GFN (Guitar), David Caraccio (Bass), Julien Zosso (Drums), Christian Chopard (Keyboard), Paula Bright (Vocal), Davide Longo (Percussions), Vladimir Carbone (Vocal Backing). This new song will be part of the new album of GIANFRANCO GFN.
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Milano, ( - comunicati stampa - arte e cultura)

I imagined a passer-by strolling through the streets on a beautiful spring day without any specific goal. Suddenly he hears music coming from an open window, so captivating that his imagination takes him, for a few seconds, to a paradise on earth where colors, feelings, sensations of all positivity intermingle and bring a joy of living that makes him forget all resentment, headaches and boredom.

Music, Only Music, Just Music ...

Available in streaming and digital on various platforms from 10.12.2021.

And possible to buy on Bandcamp.

Video available on Youtube

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