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Vegetable soup Country Festival in Aquilea (Lucca)

Vegetable soup Country Festival in Aquilea (Lucca) on 3 th 4 th - 5th - 10th - 11th - 12th August 2018. Soup and wine: what a divine combination!
lucca aquilea , ( - comunicati stampa - fiere ed eventi) In the spectacular Lucca Hills, among the vineyards surrounding the village of Aquilea, the traditional soup festival takes place, as every year, in the month of August.The main dish is the soup, made with vegetables strictly grown in local farms and accompanied by oil and wine made in Aquilea as well, and for the those who have a sweet tooth our traditionaltarts topped with wild herbs, custard or chocolate.The menu includes potato dumplings and home made pasta, cooked according to the original recipe by the local women,which will delight your palate and remind you of your grandmother's cuisine.
Festival program of the event promoted by Aquilea local committee:
The stand opens at 7pm on 3 th 4 th - 5th -; 10th 11th 12th August 2018

Vegeterians and vegans will enjoy our soup Meat lovers will take pleasure in our grill specialties
Dessert lovers will be thrilled by our special sweets Wine and oil experts will appreciate our genuine products
Musical entertainment is offered every night
Children playground is available on the premises
Pets are welcome
The event takes place outside
Directions to Aquilea:
Once you are in Lucca, follow the sign for SS12 towards Garfagnana. Take the first exit off SS12 for Ponte a Moriano, then follow the sign for Aquilea on your left side. Aquilea is a little village on top of the hills on the left side of the river Serchio.
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Per maggiori informazioni
comitato paesano aquilea
via del colle di curcheta 117
55100 lucca (Lucca) Italia
Ufficio Stampa
Stefano Battistini
 comitato paesano Aquilea (Leggi tutti i comunicati)
via colle di Curcheta 117- aquilea-
55100 Lucca Italia