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Maroc Telecom_H1 2020 Consolidated Results

                           H1 2020 CONSOLIDATED RESULTS Resilience of the Group's business amid an unprecedented health crisis:      9% growth in the Group's overall customer base,which reached68.4 million customers ; Stable consolidated revenuesthanks to International activities and Mobile and Fixed line Data in Morocco; Maintain of good profitability through optimized cost management : Consolidated EBITDA margin of 52.4%, up 0.7 pt on a like-for-like basis; Rapid...
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Resilience of the Group's business amid an unprecedented health crisis:      


Revision of 2020 outlook on a like-for-like basis and at constant exchange rates:

Upon the publication of this press release, Mr. Abdeslam Ahizoune, Chairman of the Management Board, said:

«In an unprecedented context of global health crisis, the Maroc Telecom Group is mobilized to comply with the authorities' guidelines and meet the expectations of its customers.

The Group's network capacities and infrastructures, which were very busy during the lockdown period, fully responded to the increase in demand and the expansion of new usages, without any impact on the quality of service. The relevance of the Group's strategy, focused on investment for the strengthening of networks, infrastructures and digitalization, is thus reinforced.

  Maroc Telecom, a socially responsible company, has also contributed to the collective effort through numerous initiatives in Morocco and in the countries of its subsidiaries, notably through contributions to COVID funds set up by the authorities.

This health context prompted the Group to adopt a broad cost optimization plan, which made it possible to maintain good performance over the half-year despite the first effects of the pandemic.»

Group consolidated adjusted results*

*Details of the financial indicator adjustments are provided in Appendix 1.

►   Customer base

The Group's customer bases continue to grow (up 9.1% year-on-year), reaching 68.4 million at the end of June 2020. This increase was due partly to the consolidation of Tigo Chad into the Group's scope since July 1, 2019.

►   Revenue

At the end of June 2020, the Maroc Telecom Group had revenues of 18,323 million dirhams, up 2.7% (stable on a like-for-like basis ). This performance, amid a crisis, was mainly due to the growth of Data Mobile and Mobile Money services from International activities and the surge of the Fixed-line Data in Morocco.

►   Earnings from operations before depreciation and amortization

Maroc Telecom Group's EBITDA was 9,603 million dirhams at the end of June 2020, up 2.1% (up 1.4% on a like-for-like basis ), thanks to the 1.6 pt improvement (up 1.3 pt on a like-for-like basis ) in the gross margin. The EBITDA margin was 52.4%, up 0.7 pt on a like-for-like basis . 

►   Earnings from operations

At the end of the first six months of 2020, the adjusted EBITA of Maroc Telecom Group was 5,836 million dirhams, up 0.2% on a like-for-like basis .

►   Group share of Net Income

The Group share of adjusted Net Income was 3,006 million dirhams, up 1.5% on a like-for-like basis .

►   Investments

Capital expenditures excluding frequencies and licenses were down 37.6% year-on-year (down 43.6% on a like-for-like basis ), due to the adjustment of investments to the current environment.

►   Cash Flow

Adjusted cash flows from operations (CFFO) was 7,099 million dirhams, up 23.9% (up 22.2% on a like-for-like basis ) due to higher EBITDA and Capex decrease.

At the end of June 2020, the Group's consolidated net debt decreased by 11.3% to 18,659 million dirhams. It represents 0.9x times its annual EBITDA .

►   COVID-19 pandemic

The management of the health crisis by the Maroc Telecom Group was marked by rapid key decisions and the active mobilization of teams, including:

However, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the growth forecasts for the Moroccan economy are significant (5.2% contraction in 2020 forecast by Bank Al-Maghrib) with likely repercussions on the growth momentum of Maroc Telecom's activities.

As part of the communal drive to manage the Covid-19 pandemic, some subsidiaries also participated in the collective effort with contributions to the funds set up by the authorities of each country.

►   Highlights

On  June,1 2020, Maroc Telecom launched its mobile payment solution through its subsidiary "MT Cash". The solution offers many financial services, comparable to those available to customers with bank accounts, which users can access safely and easily from a mobile phone.

►     Review of the Group's outlook for 2020

On the basis of the information available to date and due the uncertainties generated by the Covid-19 crisis, Maroc Telecom is revising its outlook for 2020 on a like-for-like basis and at constant exchange rates:

Overview of the Group's activities

Details of the financial indicator adjustments for "Morocco" and "International" are provided in Appendix 1.

             · M orocco


*Fixed-line Data includes Internet, TV over ADSL and Corporate Data services

At the end of June 2020, activities in Morocco generated revenues of 10,524 million dirhams, down 1.8% compared to the same period in 2019. This drop is explained by the decrease in Mobile revenue, which was adversely affected by the impact of the crisis, in particular on international incoming, outgoing prepaid and roaming activities. This decrease was mitigated by the increase in Mobile and Fixed-line Data.

EBITDA for the same period was 5,980 million dirhams, down 2.5% compared to last year, due to lower revenue. The EBITDA margin established at the high level of 56.8%.

Adjusted EBITA was 4,037 million dirhams, down 3.2% year-on-year, mainly due to the decline in EBITDA. The adjusted EBITA margin was 38.4%.

Adjusted cash flow from operations (CFFO) in Morocco was up 11.5%.


As of June 30, 2020, the Mobile customer base was 19.6 million customers, up slightly by 0.1% year-on-year thanks to the increase in the postpaid customer base (up 7.1%).

Mobile revenues was down 2.6%, to 6,779 million dirhams, due to the impact of the health crisis on international incoming, outgoing prepaid and roaming activities in particular.

Combined ARPU for the first six months of 2020 was 55.1 dirhams, down 4.2% year-on-year.

Fixed- line & Internet

At the end of June 2020, the Fixed-line customer base grew by 6.9% year-on-year, bringing the number of lines to nearly 2 million. The Broadband customer base increased by 10.5% to 1.7 million subscribers.

The Fixed-line and Internet activities in Morocco recorded revenues of 4,727 million dirhams, up 1.5% compared to the same period in 2019, thanks to the Fixed-line Data surge.

Financial indicators

In an economic context  marked by the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis, the Group's international operations have shown so far resilience and posted revenues up 6.3% (+0.1% on a like-for-like basis ) compared to 2019. Growth in Data Mobile and Mobile Money services more than offset the decline in Voice revenues.

In the first six months of 2020, EBITDA was 3,623 million dirhams, up 10.7% (up 8.5% on a like-for-like basis ). The EBITDA margin was 43.6%, up 1.7 pt (up 3.4 pt on a like-for-like basis ), thanks to the improvement in the gross margin and the decrease in operating costs.

During the same period, adjusted EBITA improved by 6.3% (up 8.8% on a like-for-like basis ) to 1,798 million dirhams, representing a stable adjusted EBITA margin of 21.6% (up 1.7 pt on a like-for-like basis ).

Adjusted cash flow from operations (CFFO) improved by 48.9% (+42.6% on a like-for-like basis ) to 2,843 million dirhams, primarily due to higher EBITDA and Capex decrease.

Operating indicators


(1) The like-for-like basis illustrates the effects of the consolidation of Tigo Tchad as if had effectively occurred on January 1, 2019 and a constant MAD/Ouguiya/CFA Franc exchange rate.
(2) CAPEX corresponds to the acquisitions of non-current intangible assets and property, plant and equipment recognized during the period.
(3) The net debt / EBITDA ratio excludes the impact of IFRS 16.
(4) Maroc Telecom consolidates Mauritel, Onatel, Gabon Télécom, Sotelma, Casanet, AT Côte d'Ivoire, Etisalat Benin, AT Togo, AT Niger, AT Centrafrique, and Tigo Tchad in its accounts since July 1, 2019. 
(5) EBITA corresponds to operating income before the amortization of intangible assets related to business combinations, goodwill impairment and other intangible assets related to business combinations and other income and expenses related to financial investment operations and transactions with shareholders (unless they are directly recognized in shareholders' equity).
(6) CFFO includes the net cash flows from operations before tax, as presented in the cash flow statement, as well as dividends received from companies accounted for using the equity method and non-consolidated investments. It also includes net industrial investments, which correspond to net cash outflows related to acquisitions and disposals of non-current intangible assets and property, plant and equipment.
(7) Loans and other current and non-current liabilities less cash and cash equivalents, including cash held in escrow for bank loans.
(8) The active customer base consists of prepaid customers who have made or received a voice call (excluding ERPT or Call-Center calls) or received an SMS/MMS or used Data services (excluding ERPT services) during the past three months, and postpaid customers who have not terminated their agreements.
(9) The active customer base for 3G and 4G+ Mobile Internet includes holders of a postpaid subscription agreement (with or without a voice offer) and holders of a prepaid Internet subscription agreement who have made at least one top-up during the past three months or whose top-up is still valid and who have used the service during that period.
(10) ARPU is defined as revenues (generated by inbound and outbound calls and by data services) net of promotional offers, excluding roaming and equipment sales, divided by the average customer base for the period. In this instance, blended ARPU covers both the prepaid and postpaid segments.
(11) The broadband customer base includes ADSL access, FTTH and leased lines as well as the CDMA customer base in Mauritania, Burkina Faso and Mali.

Important notice:
Forward-looking statements. This press release contains forward-looking statements regarding Maroc Telecom's financial position, income from operations, strategy, and outlook, as well as the impact of certain transactions. Although Maroc Telecom believes that these forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, they do not amount to guarantees for the company's future performance. The actual results may be very different from the forward-looking statements, due to a number of risks and uncertainties, both known and unknown. The majority of these risks are beyond our control, namely the risks described in the public documents filed by Maroc Telecom with the Moroccan Capital Markets Authority ( ) and the French Financial Markets Authority ( ), which are also available in French on our website ( ). This press release contains forward-looking information that can only be assessed at its publication date. Maroc Telecom does not undertake to supplement, update, or alter these forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events, or for any other reason, subject to the applicable regulations, and especially to Articles 2.31 et seq. of the circular issued by the Moroccan Capital Markets Authority and to Articles 223-1 et seq. of the French Financial Markets Authority's General Regulations.

Maroc Telecom is a full-service telecommunications operator in Morocco and the leader in all of its Fixed-Line, Mobile and Internet business sectors. It has expanded internationally, and currently operates in 11 African countries. Maroc Telecom is listed on both the Casablanca and Paris Stock Exchanges, and its majority shareholders are Société de Participation dans les Télécommunications (SPT*) (53%), and the Kingdom of Morocco (22%).

* SPT is a company incorporated under Moroccan law and controlled by Etisalat.

Appendix 1: Relationship between adjusted financial indicators and published financial indicators

Adjusted EBITA, Group share of adjusted Net Income, and adjusted CFFO are not strictly accounting measures, and should be considered as additional information. They are a better indicator of the Group's performance as they exclude non-recurring items.

The semester was marked by the disbursement of 3,300 million dirhams linked to the full payment of the ANRT penalty in Morocco as well as the payment of the last settlement of the license (extension to 4G) in Togo for an amount of 107 million dirhams.

The first six months of 2019 included the payment of 1,841 million dirhams for licenses obtained in Burkina Faso, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire and Togo.

Appendix 2: Impact of the adoption of IFRS 16

As at end-June 2020, the impact IFRS 16 on Maroc Telecom' key indicators are as follows:

Appendix 3: Consolidated financial statements

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

Statement of comprehensive income

Consolidated cash flow statement


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