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Regional Convention Highlights “Keep Seeking First God’s Kingdom!”

MEDOLE (MN) — Over the past week-end Twi Speaking Jehovah’s Witnesses coming from all over Italy attended the Regional Convention at their Assembly Hall in Medole, Strada Crocevia 40.
Medole (MN), ( - comunicati stampa - fiere ed eventi) — Over the past week-end Twi Speaking Jehovah’s Witnesses coming from all over Italy attended the Regional Convention at their Assembly Hall in Medole, Strada Crocevia 40.
The theme of the Convention was “Keep Seeking First God’s Kingdom”. During the program it was explained what God’s Kingdom is and the positive influence it has on our lives.
A key and thrilling moment was the baptism of 5 new brothers and sisters of different ages.
The peak attendance was 771. It is noteworthy that many in attendance were coming with airplane or train from as far as Napoli and Palermo: a demonstration of zeal and readiness to make sacrifices in order to put God’s Kingdom first.
The presence of 8 delegates from Jehovah’s Witnesses Branch Office in Accra Ghana was a special feature of the Convention: by their talks and their experiences they proved to be a real source of encouragement and happiness to all those in attendance.
At the end of three beautiful days of strengthening spiritual counsel and reminders, with our hearts full of appreciation we invite all who are touched by this information to find out more on the official website

Annual Conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses:

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Duilio Benedetti
Congregazione Cristiani di Geova-Circ. Inglese 4 (Twi)
(Vicenza) Italia
+39 3201861857