Comunicati Stampa
Arte e Cultura

British Artist Lynette Yiadom-Boakye Received the Main Prize of the Future Generation Art Prize 2012

The winner of the Main Prize was selected and announced by the international jury consisting of Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev (Germany), Agnaldo Farias (Brasil), Massimiliano Gioni  (USA), Carol Yinghua Lu  (China), Hans Ulrich Obrist (United Kingdom), Eckhard Schneider (Ukraine), and Nancy Spector (USA) at the Award Ceremony in Kiev, Ukraine, on Friday, December 7, 2012.
KIEV, Ukraine, ( - comunicati stampa - arte e cultura)

The winner of the Main Prize was selected and announced by the international jury consisting of Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev ( Germany ), Agnaldo Farias (Brasil), Massimiliano Gioni  ( USA ), Carol Yinghua Lu  ( China ), Hans Ulrich Obrist ( United Kingdom ), Eckhard Schneider ( Ukraine ), and Nancy Spector ( USA ) at the Award Ceremony in Kiev, Ukraine , on Friday, December 7, 2012 .

Nominated artists including winners will also take part at the group exhibition organized by the PinchukArtCentre as the collateral event of the Biennale di Venezia in 2013. And Lynette Yiadom-Boakye as the Main Prize Winner will present her solo show in the PinchukArtCentre in Kiev the next autumn.

Awarding Lynette Yiadom-Boakye jurors said:

Born in London in 1977 from African Diaspora parents, Yiadom-Boakye bases her painting practice on specific rules of duration and activity. She creates one canvas per day and if not completed by the end of the day, the painting is discarded. Therefore, there is no nocturnal rethinking, no pentimenti possible in her activity. Her works are organized around groups of paintings that generally portray imaginary black characters in abstract landscapes.

Her paintings do not emerge from a photographic imaginary but from the memory of figuration in the history of painting including realism with social consciousness and expressionism. Her works thus do not focus on the unique artwork but provide a viewing experience based on a different temporality, and on the recognition of recurring motifs, figures and moods."

Jonathas de Andrade ( Brazil ), Micol Assael ( Italy ), Ahmet Ögüt ( Turkey ), Rayyane Tabet ( Lebanon ), and Marwa Arsanios ( Lebanon ) shared the Special Prize according to the decision of the Jury.

An initial amount of $20,000 to fund artist-in-residency programs supporting their further development will be increased considering the number or artists who received the Special Prize in 2012. Victor Pinchuk , the founder of the Future Generation Art Prize mentioned it in his speech at the Ceremony.

Addressing the young artists Victor Pinchuk also added:  

The exhibition of shortlisted artists for the Future Generation Art Prize is currently on show at the PinchukArtCentre and presents newly produced works by the following artists and groups:   , 30 ( Brazil ), , 34 ( Italy ), , 33 ( Lebanon ), , 33 ( Italy ), , 30 ( United States ), , 35 ( France ), , 29 ( Ukraine ), , 35 ( Japan ), , 33 ( Brazil ), , 29 ( Czech Republic ), , 30 ( Iran ), , 34 ( Egypt ), , 30 ( Turkey ), , 33 ( Argentina ), , 27 ( Poland ), , 34 ( United States ), , 28 ( Lebanon ), , 26 ( China ), , 34 ( United Kingdom ), and two groups: , 33, 34 ( Portugal ), and ( Ukraine ).

The 20 shortlisted artists represent 16 different countries. They have been selected from more than 4,000 applications received from 134 countries spread across all continents.

Members of the public may vote online for the winner of the People's Choice Prize until January 6, 2013 at

The images and the video of the Ceremony:

Official website of the Prize:

Contact information for Media Enquiries: Dennis Kazvan,, +380-44-4941148    

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