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THE Jehovah’s Witnesses from all of Italy speaking the TWI language, will be attending their second circuit assembly for 2016

THE Jehovah’s Witnesses from all of Italy speaking the TWI language, will be attending their second circuit assembly for 2016 which will be held at the Jehovah’s Witnesses Assembly Hall in via Maleviste, 1 in Treviso on Saturday 23 April 2016. The theme of the assembly is based on Hebrews 13:7, which is taken from the Bible, “Imitate their Faith.”
Treviso, ( - comunicati stampa - fiere ed eventi) THE Jehovah’s Witnesses from all of Italy speaking the TWI language, will be attending their second circuit assembly for 2016 which will be held at the Jehovah’s Witnesses Assembly Hall in via Maleviste, 1 in Treviso on Saturday 23 April 2016.
The theme of the assembly is based on Hebrews 13:7, which is taken from the Bible, “Imitate their Faith.”
Throughout the world assemblies are arranged per area and are attended by the local congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses, their families, friends and those that are studying the Bible with them.
Today, anxieties of life, sickness, death, family hardships, unemployment, breakdown in marriage, drug and alcohol abuse and various other challenges take away the joy of life - the Bible offers hope and answers to these problems.
All in attendance will benefit by the well prepared talks, demonstrations, interviews and experiences that will relate to the theme imitate their Faith.
Highlights for the morning session include talks which are entitled: Do exactly what I do, Imitate the endurance of the prophets and How has their conduct turned out.
The morning session will conclude with the baptismal talk and thereafter candidates will be baptized by complete water immersion.
After the break the program will resume at 1.20pm with experiences and a series of talks and symposiums.
The closing talk will be of great value for those who are striving to live by Bible principles and is appropriately entitled, “Imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises”.
The programme will end at 3.55pm. Jehovah’s Witnesses welcome the public to attend, entrance is free and no collections are taken.
For more information visit the website: or call +39 3472532702 for more details about the assembly.
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Circoscrizione Inglese 3
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Mirco Crovetti
 Congregazione Cristiana dei Testimoni di Geova Circoscrizione Inglese 3 (Leggi tutti i comunicati)
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