KommuneKredit announces Annual Report 2024
Profit before tax and value adjustments came to DKK 523 million in 2024, or slightly higher than expected in the interim report. Profit before tax and value adjustments was up by DKK 259 million on 2023, mainly attributable to the higher net interest income of DKK 730 million in 2024 compared with DKK 467 million in 2023. The increase in net interest income was driven by a higher income from securities.
Value adjustments for the year were a negative DKK 510 million, primarily because previous years' positive value adjustments were offset by negative value adjustments in 2024. As a result, comprehensive income came to a positive amount of DKK 8 million in 2024.
In accordance with the Articles of Association, KommuneKredit does not pay dividends. Accordingly, profit after tax is transferred to equity which stood at DKK 10,188 at end-2024 against DKK 10,180 in 2023.
The net lending of DKK 6.2 billion was primarily driven by loans to district heating companies which are in the process of establishing or expanding district heating areas. To this should be added other investments related to the green transition, such as investments in water supply and wastewater management.
Outlook for 2025
KommuneKredit continues to foresee strong and stable financing opportunities for 2025. While new loans and leases are expected to be in line with 2024, we forecast a higher-than-usual runoff of existing loans. Therefore, net lending is likely to amount to DKK 0.5 billion, which is slightly lower than usual.
It is our expectation that the proportion of green loans will continue to rise in line with previous years. We expect to maintain the equity ratio above 3 per cent, that net interest income will amount to about DKK 750 million and that administrative expenses will amount to about DKK 215 million.
CEO Jens Lundager,
phone 3369 7622, e-mail:
2321 Rosecrans Avenue. Suite 2200
90245 El Segundo Stati Uniti