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ECIPS President Warns: “We Are Closer to Nuclear War Than Most Realize, and Zelensky’s Actions Threaten Global Stability”

ECIPS President Ricardo Baretzky
Milano , ( - comunicati stampa - politica e istituzioni)

ECIPS President Warns: “We Are Closer to Nuclear War Than Most Realize, and Zelensky’s Actions Threaten Global Stability”

In a stark and alarming statement, President Ricardo Baretzky of the European Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS) has warned that the world is perilously close to nuclear conflict, pointing to the dangerous role Ukraine’s leadership is playing in escalating global tensions. According to Baretzky, not only has Russia’s recent shift in nuclear defense policy set the stage for catastrophic engagement, but Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's actions are now threatening all countries, far beyond just the immediate war zone.

"ECIPS cannot recognize Zelensky’s claim that Ukraine has the right to defend itself in this context, as the risks extend far beyond its borders. Ukraine's current course of action under his leadership endangers not just Europe but the entire world," Baretzky said during a recent press briefing. "Zelensky's actions are pushing us closer to nuclear war, and the horrible facts of this reality seem lost on Brussels."

The Nuclear Danger: Russia’s Policy Shift

Baretzky’s concerns primarily revolve around Russia’s recent amendments to its nuclear policy, which have lowered the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons. In the face of military pressure and continued conflict with Ukraine, Moscow has expanded the scenarios under which it could deploy nuclear arms. No longer restricted to responses to a nuclear strike or the preservation of the Russian state, Russia now reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in situations where conventional attacks pose significant threats to its sovereignty or infrastructure.

"Russia has changed the rules of engagement, and this cannot be ignored," Baretzky said. "They’ve made it clear that they view the war with Ukraine not just as a regional conflict, but as a matter of existential threat, and that makes the use of nuclear weapons a very real possibility."

According to Baretzky, Russia’s shift has escalated the stakes for the entire world, but Zelensky's aggressive stance in response has only served to increase the likelihood of nuclear conflict. The ongoing military efforts to reclaim occupied territories, combined with Kyiv's insistence on pursuing a military victory over Russia, have raised serious concerns at ECIPS.

Zelensky’s Dangerous Gamble: A Threat to All Nations

While much of the world has sympathized with Ukraine’s fight for its sovereignty, Baretzky warned that Zelensky’s approach is taking the conflict down a perilous path. By continuously pressing for military gains, particularly in areas that Russia has declared as part of its own territory, Ukraine risks crossing a red line that could provoke a nuclear response from Moscow.

"Zelensky’s insistence on continuing this war, regardless of the global implications, threatens not just Ukraine but all nations," Baretzky stated. "This isn’t about Ukraine’s right to defend itself anymore. It’s about the very real possibility of nuclear war, which could devastate the entire world."

Baretzky emphasized that while every nation has a right to defend its sovereignty, there comes a point where the larger consequences must be considered. He argued that Zelensky’s continued aggression, supported by Western military aid, has created a highly volatile situation, with both sides digging in and refusing to consider diplomatic solutions.

"ECIPS cannot condone actions that escalate the risk of nuclear war," Baretzky said. "Zelensky’s course of action now threatens the safety of every country in Europe, and even beyond. This is not just about Ukraine anymore—it’s about global security."

Brussels’ Complacency in the Face of Nuclear Threat

Baretzky’s warning also extended to the European Union and Brussels, which he accused of failing to grasp the severity of the crisis. While sanctions against Russia and military aid to Ukraine have been a focus, Baretzky believes that these measures fall short of addressing the real threat—a nuclear escalation that could have devastating consequences for all of Europe.

"Brussels is playing a dangerous game by supporting Ukraine without fully considering the risks," he said. "They are treating this conflict as though it’s business as usual, but we are closer to nuclear war than most can possibly think or realize."

According to Baretzky, the European Union’s lack of a cohesive and proactive strategy has allowed the situation to deteriorate, with both Moscow and Kyiv escalating their military activities. He argued that Brussels’ primary focus should be on de-escalating the conflict and preventing a nuclear catastrophe, but so far, there has been little meaningful action in this direction.

"The EU must stop its complacency. They are standing on the edge of a cliff and pretending everything is fine," Baretzky warned. "The horrible facts are right in front of them, but they’re not acting fast enough to prevent the unthinkable."

The Role of Ukraine’s Next Moves: The Point of No Return

The ECIPS president also noted that Ukraine’s future actions under Zelensky’s leadership could determine whether the world spirals into nuclear conflict. The Ukrainian government’s decision to continue fighting and push for military victories, particularly in Russian-occupied territories, poses an immediate danger.

"If Zelensky keeps pushing, he may soon find that he has crossed a line that cannot be undone," Baretzky said. "His actions will determine whether this war escalates into something much worse—something that could devastate all of Europe."

While Baretzky acknowledged that Ukraine has a right to seek its own sovereignty, he warned that Zelensky’s relentless push for military victory could have far-reaching and irreversible consequences. He called on the international community to intervene and pressure both sides into negotiations before the situation spirals further out of control.

"The next steps that Ukraine takes will shape the future of Europe, and possibly the world," he said. "If those steps continue to be military ones, the outcome could be nuclear disaster."

Diplomatic Failures: A Crisis of Global Leadership

Baretzky also criticized the broader failure of diplomacy that has allowed the situation to escalate to such a dangerous level. He argued that the international community, including the EU, the United States, and other major powers, have not done enough to facilitate dialogue between Russia and Ukraine. Instead, their focus has been on supplying weapons, imposing sanctions, and backing Zelensky’s government, rather than engaging in serious diplomatic efforts.

"The failure of global leadership to pursue meaningful diplomacy is astounding," Baretzky said. "We’re watching the world sleepwalk into a potential nuclear conflict, and yet there are almost no serious efforts to prevent it."

He called for an immediate shift in priorities, urging global leaders to put more effort into finding a diplomatic solution to the war. In particular, he called on the EU to step up and play a more active role in brokering peace talks, rather than simply supporting Zelensky’s military ambitions.

"If we don’t see a change in course, the world could pay the price," Baretzky warned. "It’s time for diplomacy, not war."

The Global Impact of a Nuclear Conflict

While much of the current focus is on Ukraine and Russia, Baretzky warned that the consequences of a nuclear conflict would extend far beyond Europe. A single nuclear strike could trigger a domino effect, with NATO, the United States, and potentially other nuclear-armed nations like China and India being drawn into the conflict.

"The threat of nuclear war is not limited to Europe. It would have global implications, destabilizing regions far beyond Eastern Europe," Baretzky said. "The risk of escalation would be immense, and no country would be safe from the fallout."

He also emphasized the environmental and humanitarian disaster that a nuclear exchange would bring. Fallout from nuclear strikes would affect populations around the world, and the humanitarian crisis that would follow could overwhelm governments and international organizations.

"The global community cannot afford to ignore the stakes. A nuclear war would devastate the world as we know it, and we need to act now to prevent it," he said.

A Call for Urgent Action: What Brussels Must Do

In his closing remarks, Baretzky called on Brussels and the international community to take immediate and concrete steps to address the growing nuclear threat. He emphasized that the time for complacency is over, and that global leaders must act swiftly to prevent catastrophe.

"The future might have already arrived, but it’s not too late to change course," Baretzky warned. "Brussels must stop ignoring the facts and take action before it’s too late."

He outlined several steps that the EU should take to address the growing crisis:

Immediate Diplomatic Efforts: The EU must prioritize diplomacy and push for serious negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, aimed at de-escalating the conflict.

Caution in Military Support: While Baretzky recognized the importance of military deterrence, he urged caution in the provision of arms to Ukraine, arguing that it risks further escalation.

Global Leadership: The EU must take on a greater leadership role in the international community, advocating for peace and ensuring that nuclear conflict is avoided at all costs.

Conclusion: The World on the Brink

President Baretzky’s stark warning leaves little room for misinterpretation. As the war in Ukraine rages on and Russia’s nuclear policies shift, the world is closer than ever to a nuclear conflict. Zelensky’s actions, supported by the international community, now threaten not just Europe, but global security. Time is running out, and unless global leaders act swiftly, the consequences could be devastating.

"We are on the brink," Baretzky concluded. "The world must wake up before it’s too late."

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