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Elements of the Code - FIT in Florence Graduate Fashion Exhibition

Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in Florence is hosting the year end A.A.S. Graduate Fashion Exhibition “Elements of the Code” on April 28, 2016 at 5.30pm at Museo Stibbert, via Federigo Stibbert 26, Firenze.
Florence, ( - comunicati stampa - fiere ed eventi) Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in Florence is hosting the year end A.A.S. Graduate Fashion Exhibition “Elements of the Code” on April 28, 2016 at 5.30pm at Museo Stibbert, via Federigo Stibbert 26, Firenze.

The title of this new exhibit is “ Elements of the Code - Elementi del codice”. The principle theme centered around the four elements: earth, fire, air and water, elements at the origin of any substance which is composed of matter and that symbolize parts of the cosmos itself.

The theory of the elements gave rise to numerous variations and evolutions of issues in philosophy, mathematics, psychology, and medicine, but also in the arts, from painting to architecture, music and dance.

The Museo Stibbert houses objects and works of art in which students found inspiration connected to these four elements with varying artistic expression and from different cultures: from the decoration and design of the magnificent collections of armors - the result of the work of earth and fire; the use of colors in many paintings, to the presence of significant objects, such as for example, the salt cellar with the figure of Neptune of the dining room, which evokes the water and the gifts of the ocean.

The Stibbert and its collections were an open source of study and research for the students, who were free to interpret the elements of code and find inspiration for two garments they created for their AAS fashion design final project.

These beautiful pieces were designed and produced by our young designers in collaboration with Fiona Gillespie, freelance designer and fashion industry consultant, who worked with the students throughout the semester as industry Critic.

Studying at the host institution Polimoda, FIT students have the opportunity to enroll for a semester or year in Florence with focus on working to complete an Associate’s Degree in Fashion Design, or a Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Merchandising Management.

The Exhibition will display the art and design work of the F.I.T. students completing their Associate’s Degree in International Fashion Design. Each of the students’ portfolios and a selection of term garments will be on display to showcase their creativity and technical proficiency in fashion art and apparel design.

Polimoda President, Ferruccio Ferragamo, will join us in celebrating the graduating students. The exhibition opens at 5.30pm, with the ceremony celebrating graduation taking place at 6:00pm, followed by refreshments and viewing of the work on display until 7.30pm.

Participation by invitation.

Contact Information:
FIT Florence,
Villa Favard, Via Curtatone 1- 50123 Firenze.

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FIT Florence
Via Curtatone 1
50123 Firenze Italia
055 2750637