Ukraine The Forgotten War is the new book by Stephan Grey

British journalist Stephan Grey presents readers with his latest instant book, entitled Ukraine The Forgotten War. The volume traces the history, causes, consequences and prospects of the dramatic war in Ukraine, a conflict that has shaken the foundations of the contemporary world, but which seems to escape collective memory.
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London - UK, ( - comunicati stampa - editoria e media)

In this gripping tale, Grey explores the momentous confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, two nations linked by a common history, but divided by a diametrically opposed worldview. The war has provoked a humanitarian, economic and geopolitical crisis of unprecedented proportions, involving Europe and the United States of America and drawing the attention of the entire international community.

The book offers an analysis of the context and dynamics of the conflict, highlighting the struggle between two cultures that, despite their common roots, find themselves in a controversial antithesis. Grey invites readers to reflect on a war that transcends national borders, a war that involves all of us and that we cannot ignore or forget.

“The war in Ukraine is a conflict that has had a profound impact on the world, but while  it is still ongoing,  it is being overshadowed by other news. In this book, I have tried to tell the story of this war in a concise  and accessible  way, so that everyone can understand its causes, consequences and prospects. Said Grey, who added: “I hope this  work will help people to better understand this conflict and to reflect on its implications for the future of the West and the whole world.”

About the Author

Stephan Grey is a British journalist. He has captured the public's attention with his most recent investigation The Scam Slayer, a book that  unveils the secrets, stories and techniques behind the online scams that plague millions of people around the world. With his new book, Grey confirms himself as an author committed to bringing to light crucial issues and stimulating reflection on the complexity of global problems.

About the book

Ukraine to the Forgotten War published by Hanse Media – Press Series is available on Amazon and in major bookstores.

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