Information Technology
NNIT A/S: Resolutions from the annual general meeting of NNIT A/S
/S held its annual general meeting, at which the following were noted/approved:
Financial year 2024 and 2025
Authorisation to acquire treasury shares
Composition of the Board of Directors and board committees
After the annual general meeting, the Board of Directors held a board meeting to appoint the members of its Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee.
In accordance with the resolutions passed at the general meeting, the Board of Directors are composed as follows and the Board of Directors decided that the Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee shall be composed as follows:
For more information, please contact
Investor Relations
Carsten Ringius
Tel: +45 3077 8888
Media Relations
Sofie Mand Steffens
Senior Communications Consultant
Tel: +45 3077 8337
NNIT is a leading provider of IT solutions to life sciences internationally, and to the public and private sectors in Denmark.
We focus on high complexity industries and thrive in environments where regulatory demands and complexity are high.
We advise on and build sustainable digital solutions that work for the patients, citizens, employees, end users or customers.
We strive to build unmatched excellence in the industries we serve, and we use our domain expertise to represent a business first approach – strongly supported by a selection of partner technologies, but always driven by business needs rather than technology.
NNIT consists of group company NNIT A/S and subsidiaries, including SCALES. Together, these companies employ more than 1,700 people in Europe, Asia and USA.
2321 Rosecrans Avenue. Suite 2200
90245 El Segundo Stati Uniti