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Becali wants to enter into an alliance with PDL right, UNPR, PP

PNG President George Becali, said Saturday that the party wants him to lead an alliance between the right, eventually "Popular Movement", naming him as possible partners PDL, Dan Diaconescu UNPR and his party
Bucarest, ( - comunicati stampa - politica e istituzioni) Becali said that when he heard the recording "Popular Movement" thought president Traian Basescu "will make a new thought, a new movement."

The President said that PNG had no negotiation or discussion with any party leader that has nominated or with Traian Basescu. "At this level are just gossip. I have no formal agreement, just what is says on the back of various politicians. I have an official confirmation of Mr. President Traian Basescu, I have not had any meeting with him. None discussions with PDL, but I am party people who PDL data functions, such as the General Council of Bucharest, "Becali said.

He said he thought that any right-wing alliance could be called "People's Movement for All Country".

Asked if he puts conditions, where will be invited to be part of any alliance of right, Becali said he would ask only the logo to the cross or other symbol of the Christian faith.

Asked what he thought of the name "Snow White", circulated by Sebastian Lazaroiu, Becali said: "I will remain Seven Dwarfs and will not be paid any attention. If I say white as snow, white as snow will remain".

Becali has said he does not believe that PDL will remain in the current formula. "That's what I hear is about a lot of options and strategies to take, together with other parties, over 50%, not USL come to power," he added.

Asked if he would make an alliance with USL, Becali said: "I do not get that boat for that USL is left, and I can not only be right. In addition, there is Ponta, who said that it is forbidden right. This is the slogan of banned right. I do not like to go with a man who forbids me to go right because I was born right, my blood is right ".

He said that neither the Liberals would not an alliance, because "NLP is USL."

Becali said, answering questions that will not make alliance with PRM, but would have no objection if the party would enter into alliance right.

"When I signed I signed PRM cell with one condition: that the elections do not have any obligation, we separate and we have no obligation. (...) We are grateful to Vadim for giving me a hand stretched out when I need to thank, but I helped him out MEP "he said.

Becali has said that if PNG is not invited to join an alliance of right, will go alone in elections, and he will run for president.

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