Modigliani, the international crowdfunding campaign started to create the “Extraordinary Exhibition” of the Livornese artist.
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Rome, ( - comunicati stampa - arte e cultura) The Amedeo Modigliani Institute launched the “Give Light to Art”project, on the Indiegogo platform, with the aim of raising funds to create an exhibition of the entire Modigliani body of work recreated as Modlights, on the occasion of the Centennial of the Artist's death in 2020.

Today, the Amedeo Modigliani Institute launched the project “Modigliani: Give Light to Art ”, an international crowdfunding campaign, unique in its kind, with the aim of supporting “from the ground up”, with contributions from internet users, the promotion and dissemination of the life and works by Amedeo Modigliani throughout the world.

An ambitious challenge with the aim of collecting through the INDIEGOGO platform ( an amount equal to $ 100,000 to be devoted entirely to creating the “Modigliani Extraordinary Exhibition” the exhibition taking place at a single location for the entire body of work of the Livornese artist (337 certified works from the Cerroni catalog) in the innovative Modlight® format. The exhibition will be one of the key events of the Centennial celebrations of Modigliani's death, an anniversary that will be celebrated in 2020.

Thanks to the use of ICT technologies, LED lights and photoconductive materials, Modlight® technology, developed by the Amedeo Modigliani Institute, allows for an absolutely faithful reproduction and high definition of a pictorial work. Not only is the exact chromaticity, similarity to ambient light and respect of original size taken into account, but also the visual rendering of the brushstroke thickness and reproduction of the texture of the original medium. The rights to high resolution images have been acquired by the IAM from the legitimate owners (museums and private collectors) .

So far, in absolute autonomy and relying solely on its own resources, the Amedeo Modigliani Institute has already completed creating Modlight® versions of about a sixth of Modigliani's entire body of work. This production is currently exhibited at the “Modigliani et l'art nègre” exhibition, which runs until July 30, in Spoleto, within the cultural programming of the 60th Festival of Due Mondi.

In fact, last May, the Institute established its own international headquarters by inaugurating the Casa Modigliani (Palazzo Montani, Piazza Fontana), a meeting, research and insight area into the life and works of the artist from Livorno. The cultural attraction will be the engine of initiatives and events organized by the Institute for the Centennial Celebrations of 2020.

"Technology - emphasizes the Chairman of the Institute Amedeo Modigliani, Luciano Renzi - allows for making the emotions that art offers available to all, by the most popular and contemporary methods. The work commitment and the financial effort of the Institute for planning the extraordinary exhibition are enormous.

Creating the Modlight® works requires the intervention not only of designers, lightning, and texture artists, but also of art historians in a process that, due to its distinctive care, can definitely be called craftsmanship.

For these reasons, we have decided to open to the possibilities offered by the web and the new media, primarily to the social universe, launching an international crowdfunding campaign to fund an innovative and independent project from the ground up.

The power of the web at the service of a new way of enjoying art, in keeping with the times and accessible to all. This is the challenge that the Amedeo Modigliani Institute is launching with the will to break away from traditional strategies for communicating cultural events, to bring together and involve in its projects an ever-wider audience. "
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Andrea Grossi
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